
Network Segmentation Testing

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Our Network Segmentation services provide a layered security approach to enhance the resilience of your network.
Network segmentation involves dividing a computer network into distinct segments, enhancing security by isolating potential risks and limiting lateral movement in the event of a breach. It is crucial to test network segmentation to ensure its effectiveness in preventing unauthorized access and containing security incidents.
By rigorously examining segmentation measures, organizations can identify and rectify any weaknesses, fortifying their network infrastructure against cyber threats and minimizing the impact of potential breaches.

Testing Types

At the forefront of cybersecurity services, Hacker Simulations specializes in delivering unparalleled expertise through two fundamental types of network segmentation testing, ensuring the robustness and resilience of your internal network.


Isolation Evaluation Testing

This assesses the effectiveness of network isolation measures to ensure proper separation of network segments, preventing unauthorized access and limiting security incident propagation. It verifies network segmentation robustness, fortifies defenses, and minimizes lateral movement risks.


Lateral Movement Assessment

Focuses on evaluating potential lateral movement within a network, where an attacker moves between compromised systems. This testing identifies vulnerabilities allowing traversal, privilege escalation, and access to sensitive resources. Conducting lateral movement assessments helps proactively address network weaknesses, enhance security measures, and prevent unauthorized access or lateral movement by malicious actors.

Benefits of Segmentation Testing:

  • Prevent Spread

Effectively isolates different segments of the network.

  • Interconnected Sites

Prevents breach propagation to other interconnected sites.

  • Containment:

Acts as a safeguard during a security breach.

  • Minimized Risks

Ensures the impact of a breach is contained and minimized.